My first impressions of this thing are great. For starters it's a Nexus, which means it is very developer friendly. Within 10 minutes I had the bootloader unlocked, rooted, and a custom recovery loaded up. This is not really all that necessary for me, since the only reason I rooted in the past was to get a stock experience, and this phone here runs pure, unaltered, stock android. But in the future it'll come in handy, flashing new roms always keeps the phone feeling fresh, makes it seem new again. Either way, the experience you get right out the box is amazing. The pure speed is incredible, no lag, no stutters, and everything launches in a second, including intensive games such as Asphalt 8 (which is free by the way). I am not to sure who is more the cause of this, stock android, or that processor.
I'm not much of a shutter bug, but the camera does enough for me. Pictures are sharp, colors are relatively accurate, and the shutter speed is manageable. I would like it if it was a little bit quicker, but that's entirely software related, so who knows maybe it'll come later with an update. Also, I clearly haven't had it long enough to test any sort of battery life. I'm not to worried about it though, most of what I do is internet browsing, and checking sports scores. If I ever do play games extensively, I'm usually at home or around a charger of some sorts anyway.
Lastly is size. I've come from all big phones lately, so it's not that big of a deal to me. Example being my last to phones were the LG G2, and the massive Samsung Galaxy Note II. Needless to say this is a breathe of fresh air as far as size goes. Probably the closest in size to this phone is the Galaxy S4 or S3. If you've ever dealt with one of those then you'd be right at home with this. And if you come from an iPhone or something small like that, it is definitely worth it to make yourself accustomed with something a little larger. I'm not saying that because of my personal love for android, but all phones are moving to the 5" range. Not just android either, the iPhone rumor mill is starting to say that the next phone will be in the 4.5"-5" range.
Like I've said a thousand times, I want to be a reviewer. With that, I will write up a review of this and do my best to do everything I can to put it through it's paces. I don't work till Saturday, so expect it to come right around then. I can tell you right now though, I would recommend this phone to any one and their mother. I'm already in love with it.
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