Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pretty great Humble Bundle sale right now.

    Just wanted to make everyone aware, Humble Bundle is doing a pretty good PC game sale. Right now you can get Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY edition, F.E.A.R 2 and 3, Lord of the Rings: War of the north, Batman: Arkham City GOTY edition, and Scribblenauts Unlimited for a great price. If you don't know how humble bundle works let me tell you. It's a charity based site that lets you pick the price you'd like to pay and gives you something in return, this time being a few PC games. And I mean you pick the price, if you only want to give a penny you can and still get the first 4 games listed, if you want the last 2 that are listed there you have to pay more than the average amount people are giving at any given time. Right now it's at $4.63. Not a bad deal to get 6 big name games for around 5 bucks. Another great feature is that you get to choose where the money you give goes to. You can pick to give it all to the Humble Bundle crew, or maybe split it evenly amongst HB, charity, and the developers who made the games, whatever you want. This sale here lasts for another 11 days, but keep in mind the average keeps climbing as time goes on, so if you want the best deal for all 5, jump on it quick. Also this big deal here changes every 14 days, but they also have a weekly sale, they sometimes do movies, shows, comedians, android and iOS games, etc. So bookmark that page and keep checking in, even if you don't go big and give tons of money, it's still goes to a great place and you get something great out of it.

Humble Bundle

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